FORUM Architects
Vojtek TURYCZYN | Chairman of the Board
Architect, born in Poland, naturalised Swedish citizen, russian speaking, 30 years of work experience from all over Europe.
Igor KOVTONYUK | Director
Architect, born in Kiev, educated at KISI, english speaking, at ForumArchitects since 2007, 10 years of work experience.
Olga FEDCHENKO | Architect
Born in Kiev, educated and researcher at KISI, english speaking, at ForumArchitects since 2007, 5 years of work experience.
Viktor YURKIV | Architect
Born in Lvov, educated at Lvov Polytechnic, at ForumArchitects since 2007, 7 years of work experience.
Pavel | Architect
Born in Kiev, currently studying at KISI, at ForumArchitects since 2011.